Genessa Blonde Ombre synthetic 28inch bang Wigs $59 Optimismic Wigs and Gifts West St Paul MN

Genessa Blonde Ombre Synthetic 28inch bang Wigs $59 OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts West St Paul MN

Synthetic Wigs with Highlights and Color Streaks

Offer an exclusive and elegant look. Our ombre wigs are long and shoulder-length with bangs, to provide a stylish and sophisticated look for all occasions. Expertly crafted with the highest quality material, each wig is perfect for those looking for a luxurious fashion statement for only $59.

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Wigs with Highlights

Genessa wigs at Optimismic Wigs and Gifts

Buy Genessa ombre wigs with bangs at Optimismic Wigs and Gifts Saint Paul Minnesota.

Shop Hair Wigs & Cosmetics from $25 at OptimismIC Wigs & Gifts St Paul MN