Get Well Soon Baskets $50 Optimismic Wigs and Gifts West St Paul MN

OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts

$50.00 $100.00

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$50 Get Well Soon Baskets at Optimismic Wigs and Gifts


Optimismic Wigs and Gifts has the perfect Get Well Soon Baskets for your loved ones!

Our 6PC basket includes a 3 PC spa set to pamper them, a scented candle to soothe them, a Get Well Soon bear to hug them, and a collectible carry bag to store them.

We have many more options to choose from at our West Saint Paul location. Hurry and get yours today!

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Buy Get Well Soon Baskets at Optimismic Wigs and Gifts.

Shop Hair Wigs & Cosmetics from $25 at OptimismIC Wigs & Gifts St Paul MN