A. OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts is a Wig Shop and Gift Shop Located in West Saint Paul established in 2015.
2. Where is OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts Located?
A. We are located at 1201 S Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55118 in Signal Hills Shopping Center. Visit Google Maps for directions
3. Does OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts provide Curbside Service? Yes Please have your ID available.
A. staff member walk your pre-paid order to your vehicle and verify the ID at that time.
4. Is all of the Merchandise from OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts available online?
A. No OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts only list 100 or so products options online. There are over 1000 unlisted product options and variations available in our retail shop. OptimismIC carries Hair extentions Beauty supplies and wigs in many different styles and colors. OptimismIC carries Gift baskets in a magnitude of styles, colors and sizes. OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts carries Fashion for Men and Women from different brands and trends. OptimismIC also carries a lot of sale and coupon items.
5. How do you access OptimismIC Wigs and Gifts and where is parking?
A. You can access through the front door on 1201 Robert Street and park out front in the mall parking lot or enter through the back door on Moreland Avenue and park in our private lot