What Color is Equality
Why would they hurt me,
If I did nothing wrong,
Their facial expressions,
Were so angry,
So strong,
I couldn't understand,
The words of the man,
I just felt his power,
And the sting from his hand,
So what did I do,
To get hit with these blows,
Our bloods the same color,
Mines runs from my nose,
I don't need to ask the number you rate me,
My skin is no mask,
I'm sorry you hate me,
I don't think it's fair,
Because of my hair,
That he gets the riches,
But for me,
There's none there,
So what of my color,
So brown or so pale,
Please don't mistreat me,
Or put me in jail,
So what of my color,
So coffee or cream,
I think of being equal,
But for me,
That's a dream,
So what can I do,
To make you forgive,
My color,
My culture,
Or the way that I live,
Before the world ends,
I hope we'll be friends,
I still will be different,
But I hope I fit in.
Poetry at Optimismic Wigs and Gifts Written By Tacandrya Evans 1995